February 7, 2013

JSON Example - String to Object

In order to convert very long string which is separated by common (,) to a JavaScript object and then use these data shown in the web page, we should do,

     1. Split the string into an array
     2. Create a JavaScript string containing JSON syntax
     3. For securer method, use JSON parser JSON.parse()
        instead of Javascript eval() function to parse the JSON text and produce a JavaScript object

Given String: Apple,89,Banana,39,Grape,58,Cheery,33

Printout: how many bananas in the supermarket

Click the button to display the object values after the split and conversion.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo">Click the button to display the object values after the split and conversion.</p>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
function myFunction()
var str="Apple,89,Banana,39,Grape,58,Cheery,33";
var n=str.split(",");
var txt ="";
for(var i=0; i<n.length; i++)
{ txt += '{"Name":"'+ n[i]+'","Num":"' + n[i+1] + '"}';
  if(i!= n.length-2)
  txt += ',';

txt = '{"fruit" : [' + txt + ']}';

//var obj = eval("(" + txt + ")");

obj2 = JSON.parse(txt);

document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML="There are " + obj2.fruit[1].Num + " " + obj2.fruit[1].Name + " in the supermarket.";

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